
what's tempting you?

Here's the third set of my wallpaper series, "Temptations." Why the name, I'm not really sure either, but as always it's open to interpretation. I felt like drawing something, it turned out to be an apple, you get the drift.. (maybe). I kind of like the reflection on the words, and it didn't seem so bad at that time but maybe it's not neutral enough to get a good view-to-download ratio. You can download the original black piece at deviantART (1280x800).

I'm posting a couple of variations here too. One of them is an inverted version (with a bit of tweeking - download here), and the other is a no-text version. I'm usually against bright desktops, but I figured the transparent feel of the turquoise was worth it.

I haven't figured out how much the words and/or design contribute to overall attractiveness. That will have to involve some experimenting, I guess. I do however, encourage the use of this font I've been using... yes, the one from 24... "Events occur in real time" that's right.

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