
PSP-2000: Part 2.1 GAMES - Space Invaders Extreme (trial)

I mentioned that one of the best things about PSP gaming is that you can download a bunch of trials for free. Today PlayStation.com(Japan) announced the release of Space Invaders Extreme demo and custom theme. Yes, it's just like the Space Invaders from decades ago, first copyrighted in 1978 and released in 2007. As "extreme." I probably enjoyed it a little too much. It accompanies a classic nnts-nnts-nnts club beat with your rhythmical shooting sounds that blend in, but it was definitely bearable for me. I don't know if I'd ever buy the software (coming out on 2.21.08 in Japan) but why not some nostalgia once in a while (like some LEGO)? I feel like it was already somewhat archaic by the time I was born...

You can either download the game straight from the PSP official browser website, or you might have to go to pspdemocenter. The software is Japanese so you have to press the circle button to shoot instead of X (what a stupid idea... X??) but otherwise it's all in English. In any case, I'd take a little break from work or whatever and give it a try. Aren't those dudes a little cute?

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