
Blingo ditched Google?!

Whaaat the? I thought the search results on Blingo were a bit weird - there was no section at the top for shameless ads that you could just ignore, but the ad sites were integrated with the rest of the results (and yes, I was still using Blingo... give me a break it was almost as good as Google, but with random prizes upon searching. I've won 2x$10 Itunes gift certificates [useless] and 2x$10 Amazon.com gift certificates [useful] to date). The non-advertisement results looked a little weak as well.

Well, then I noticed in small font that they switched from being Google-powered to Windows Live, Yahoo, and Ask-powered. What a terrible mistake for them. As far as I know I didn't see an explanation, but I think it's time to phase out Blingo for me, sadly. If you don't mind those other search engines and the unfriendly formatting, try it out - there should still be no catch to prize winning.

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