
Legos x10

Some dude in Japan, Kato Takafumi made buildable LEGOs out of paper. Check out this picture of a kid in front of a pile of them as well as other snapshots in the album, or go check out the exhibition at Musashino Art University.

Too much time? Or art? Well, I definitely wouldn't mind having a wall like this and ponder about "liberty with materialism." Oh wait... I have a phobia of large objects...


Can't Sleep, Can't Eat, I'm Sick

Well a third of that is true. Another product of insomnia, although it's also invading my daytime hours... when I should be work... or something. From the album cover, pencil only:

Amuro Namie by ~tamumu61 on deviantART


It's been way too long since I've returned from Japan to blame it on jetlag, but I'm having issues falling asleep. I found out today that two of my roommates have the same problem... new room, new environment?

So what do I do? Draw random shit. It kind of sucks in limited lighting, however.

whoever by ~tamumu61 on deviantART